When it comes to preparing great-tasting snacks, few can match the tasty and mouthwatering Kolaches. From plain chocolate to chocolate fudge to strawberry shortcake, these treats are a must have this summer. These treats are simple to make, yet surprisingly easy to perfect. Even kids can have a piece. Simply follow the easy steps below to make some yummy treats at home. Ready to get started?
Table of Contents
No#1: Bohemian kolaches

To make Bohemian kolaches, start with a large non-stick pan or skillet to heat up the oven. Add a medium heat and set the pan over a low temperature. In a small bowl, mix the sugar, egg whites, salt and butter. Place the dry ingredients in the large bowl and turn it slowly into a wet, hot, but not boiling, pan.
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Once the pan is warm enough to touch, add a few drops of food coloring. This is optional, but a lot of people like the rich look of a reddish tint to their treats. It gives the Bohemian color, too. At this point, you can stir the mixture to mix it together, but do not over-mix it. Add a few drops of food coloring to the mix for the last step of preparing your vegan fruit dessert.
Once you are satisfied that the dough is ready, it’s time to cook it up! Add two cups of cold water to your large, non-stick frying pan and turn your oven on to bake the mixture, checking regularly to ensure that the pan is warming up properly. Once done, remove the Bohemian coaches from the pan and cut them into clean, dry pieces.
Now, you are ready to roll out your vegan chocolate mixture and set your large wooden bowl on the tabletop. Use a rubber knife to spread out the prepared dough and roll it into a thin layer. Work the layers out into smooth disks and place them onto a prepared baking sheet. Cover with the second cup of water and put into your refrigerator until ready to serve. Roll out the remaining dough into disks and put into the large bowl, which you will use to drop the prepared dough into.
Once you have completed your first batch, transfer them to your oven and let rise for about an hour. Once baked, you can cover them with your floured surface and serve. Alternatively, you may prepare the homemade dough and use a pastry bag with a tapering handle to drop the dough into your pre-heated oven. Remove the cooked baked treats from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.
No#2: Texas Sausage Kolaches

One of my personal favorite foods is Texas Sausage. It is one of those fantastic combinations of sweet and savory. There is something so simple about cabbage and peppers. My first bite of this heavenly dish was in Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. A few years later I was back in Texas, and I had the same delicious breakfast.
My first reaction when I heard the term coaches was to imagine a Texan version of the famous St. Louis BBQ pork sandwiches. The word kolaches in Czech was originally intended for non-cheese filled pastries, however these days in Texas, coaches can mean either a tomato filled, or grilled meat filled pastry. At the risk of rating lower in a search for a great recipe for a wonderful Texas sausage kolaches, I’m opting (again) to call this delicious sausage roll by its true name: klobasnek. Because of the heat infused fillings, it is best served hot from the oven or on the table after being cooked in the slow cooker.
To make a simple change in the traditional food preparation method, we adapted the traditional bread dough for our tasty, pillowy treat. A quick search on Google returned many versions of this rich, thick dough. I settled on the Swiss ball yeast bread dough. With just a couple of additions and a couple of twists, my homemade version of Texas coaches became my family’s favorite meal.
To prepare the traditional filling for my fried cheese laced sausage kolache rounds, I followed the instructions for the traditional filling. First I fried the turkey breast in a large skillet. Then I placed the Swiss ball yeast dough into the center of the breast, then rolled out the dough with a tablespoon of butter.
After rolling out the dough, I laid it out to be baked. After about an hour of baking, I removed the turkey breast from the oven, and my sausage solace was ready! The aroma of the freshly made tortilla chips accompanied the warm filling of the kolache just as it is the traditional way. My guests raved at the food and asked where they could find such good, tasty, home-made meals.
I’ve decided to bring this great sausage and kolaches idea back to my kitchen and share it with my friends and family. These delicious meals are not only good any time of day, but are also a fantastic snack food. My grocery bill was drastically reduced, because I purchased my tortilla chips and kolaches mixture instead of the prepared foods. Now I’m getting questions about where to go to buy some more of these delicious klobasniki!
No#3: Czech Kolache Recipe

Are you looking for a simple and easy to make Czech Kolsahce Recipe? Don’t worry, I’ve been there and done that. The hardest part about making a Jewish cake is waiting for the yeast to rise. After that, it’s just a matter of mixing together the wet ingredients, folding in the dry, mixing them all together until you have a sturdy, gooey mess that you can shape and bake. Once you’re done, just let it rise, proof, and then punch it down.
Now, to make a czech kolache recipe with a cream cheese streusel topping, you will need: fresh strawberries, a bag of sweet yeast dough, and about one tablespoon of vegetable oil. These kolsahce (Kolache/Kol e) are an amazing sweet and sour vegan dessert with a soft, rich, gooey, chocolate-flavored dough, topped with a fresh strawberry and creamy streusel topping, made using only a rolling pin and a knife. This recipe is completely dairy-free, gluten-free, and easy to make with a minimum of effort! It is also the most popular one in my family.
You’ll need to prepare the strawberry and yeast mixture. In a medium bowl, mix the sweet yeast dough with about one-fourth cup of the vegetable oil. After mixing, add the chopped strawberries to the mixture and begin to roll out the mixture. Once you reach the end of the roll, turn it over and resume rolling until the ingredients are completely covered in the mixture.
Place the prepared mixture into an ungreased wooden bowl and place it in the middle of the oven. Cook the recipe in the oven for approximately 90 minutes. During the time that the bread is baking, you can add the sugar mixture and spread it all over the surface of the bread. Once it finishes baking, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool off. Once the yeast mixture has cooled off, you can cut it into pieces using a cookie cutter or a knife. Store the crumb mixture inside your freezer for up to two months.
To execute this delicious sweet recipe, you will need a plastic food container with a tight fitting lid and a wooden spoon. In a large bowl, combine the pitted sweet cherries, sugar, cinnamon, salt, and water. Stir the ingredients thoroughly until completely blended. Once blended, take the mixture and break it into smaller pieces. Add the remaining ingredients and mix them all together.
In order to make the dough for the filled dough, you will need one tablespoon of instant yeast, three and a half cups of all purpose flour, two and a half cups of cold water, and two and a half cups of sugar. Mix all of the ingredients together and then knead into a ball. Form the dough into a rough ball and place it in a large bowl. Cover it with a piece of wax paper and place it in the refrigerator for about two hours. Once the ingredients are fully mixed, you can start the timer for your traditional Czech Kolsatz, which usually calls for an hour and fifteen minutes to complete the process.
No#4: Jam Kolache Recipe

Jam Kolache is a healthy snack dish created by Joseph Pilates, the famous ‘Pilate master’. It’s one of many different healthy snack recipes he developed over his life. He claimed he developed this particular recipe while staying on a prison ship in England during World War II. This article will describe what this popular recipe really tastes like, and how you can select your own flavors of jam.
Joseph Pilates was an immigrant from Germany who became a renowned exercise specialist. A great benefit of exercising was getting a job in the London gym, and so, he created his unique version of jam kolaches recipe while working in the gym. While visiting the West Coast, he developed this particular dish for his fellow prisoners that he would make to provide for them. Although it’s unclear when or why this was first created, we can be sure that he was certainly inspired by other foods he ate while in England. Most importantly, he realized that by adding various fruits and vegetables to his food, he could provide a more complete and balanced meal for his guests.
You’ll find that there are a number of different ingredients that go into a traditional jam recipe. In general, the basic recipe includes cream, jam, nuts, raisins and anything else you’d like to add. Depending on your tastes, you can modify this recipe in a variety of different ways. For example, you may wish to substitute the nuts and raisins for some of the healthier, lower fat ingredients. Alternatively, you may wish to add a little more fruit to the mix to enhance the healthy benefits of the fruits and nuts.
You can even take this recipe and create variations by substituting out some of the fruits or adding other types of spices, such as cardamom to the recipe. One of the things that most people enjoy about this recipe is that it is both quick and easy to make. All you need to do is simply mix together all of the ingredients and then let the mixture cool. This is why many people choose this particular jam as a meal replacement or after dinner treat.
There are a wide variety of healthy foods that you can use to spruce up this particular jam. Since it is jammed, you can choose to include fruit or spice additions to help enhance the flavor and even vary the flavor. However, if you choose not to use any spices in the recipe, you will still have a healthy alternative that will have you and your guests looking for something different at dinner.
Finally, you should consider serving this jam solace with a fruit salad. Although this isn’t considered a traditional accompaniment to a meal, it is one that people love to eat. By using the jam solace as a base for the salad, you can then choose a variety of fruits and vegetables that will compliment the jam. In addition, you can also elect to add a bit of sugar if you wish to create a sweeter flavor. As you can see, there are a variety of ways that you can enjoy this tasty treat by choosing to make this as a main dish, an appetizer, or even a dessert.
No#5: Apple Kolache Recipe

Apple orchard type cakes and cookies are a great way to celebrate special occasions or just because! They are also fun and easy to make kolache recipes like the ones I have listed below.
There are many different types of apples to use in a variety of recipes but I prefer the organic ones because they taste better and are more wholesome. You can make your own apple sauce too if you don’t want to buy any. The kolache mixture is very simple, all you need is a food processor and an electric bowl.
Apple Kolaches is a warm sweet solace filling nestled into a soft, slightly crumbed kolache shell. They’re delicious for morning by a cup of warm coffee. This simple solace recipe makes 28 individual cakes which are perfect for company or a big family gathering. This is an easy recipe from pickled apple slices and sugar.
You can make a wonderful selection of filling for your solace recipe. Most people will use a combination of cream cheese, sour cream and molasses in their dough to give it that sweet, gooey flavor. This one takes just two minutes from start to finish, all you have to do is get some unsweetened yeast and combine it with water.
With a paddle or wire blender you can then knead the dough until it comes out of a thin dough form, this should be no longer than a quarter inch thick.